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How to Scientifically Assess China's Current Transformation and Development
—Research on the Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms in the Process of Building a Harmonious Society
Zhu Ling
Abstract: The UN Millennium Development Goals and other associated indicators represent an institutionalized social preference evolved through widespread political consultation among world countries. They provide a benchmark for monitoring and evaluating development processes. An observation of the current status of China's development in accordance with the said Goals and indicators shows that (1) rural residents and migrant workers find themselves at a disadvantageous position in terms of access to human capital investment, infrastructure and services, and socioeconomic and political rights; and (2) among the rural residents and migrant workers, the poor, the women, the aged, the disabled and those of ethnic minorities are more likely to experience social exclusions. To reverse this trend, it is necessary to incorporate the establishment of a social balancing mechanism into development programs and policies.
Keywords: The Millennium Development Goals and indicators, social balancing mechanism, monitoring and evaluation
主要著作:《Credit for Rural poor in China》 、《经济转型与社会发展》等。