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1 作者根据CEIC数据库计算。

2 作者根据CEIC数据库计算。

3 Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC), Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2010-2011: The Region in the Decade of the Emerging Economies, United Nations, 2012, p.17.

4 Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC), Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2013 (briefing paper), United Nations, 2014, p.19.

5 作者根据WTO网站所提供的数据整理计算,。

6 Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC), The United States and Latin America and the Caribbean: Highlights of Economics and Trade, United States, 2011, p5.

7 刘世锦主编:《中国经济增长十年展望》,北京:中信出版社,2013年,第22页。

8 10 胡必亮主编:《2040年的拉丁美洲》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2014年,第35页。

9 王海林:《拉美需投两万亿搞基建》,《环球时报》,2013年11月6日。

The Century of the Pacific and Latin America

—Opportunity and Challenge of Sino-Latin America Economic and Trade Cooperation

Hu Biliang  Zhang Yong

Abstract: Before the year 2000, economic and trade cooperation between China and Latin America developed very slowly. As Chinese industry becomes more competitive and Chinese economy grows stronger, China has had an increasingly important meaning to Latin America; at the same time, Latin America is also of great significance in sustaining Chinese economic development due to its huge commodity and investment market and rich economic resources. President Xi Jinping visited Latin America for two consecutive years, which helps to advance the bilateral economic and trade cooperation, fully tap the potential of both sides, better use their economic complementarity and transform the mode of economic growth, promote South-South Cooperation, and improve the structure and mechanism of global governance. As long as the two sides continue to jointly eliminate protectionist barriers, try as much as possible to promote balance in investment and trade distribution in different industries and strengthen training professionals on the basis of mutual trust, they will achieve more fruitful results in economic and trade development, industrialization, infrastructure construction and financial cooperation.

Keywords: Sino-Latin America economic and trade cooperation, opportunity, challenge, trend


胡必亮,北京师范大学新兴市场研究院院长兼发展研究院院长、教授、博导,曾两次荣获孙冶方经济科学奖。研究方向为发展经济学、制度经济学、新兴市场经济。主要著作有《Informal Institutions and Rural Development in China》等。张勇,中国社会科学院拉丁美洲研究所副研究员。

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