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12《南宁将建中国—东盟信息港 推进“信息丝路”建设》,广西新闻网,2015年4月11日,。


14《55页PPT剖析互联网+全景 谁是最具发展潜力》,中关村在线,2015年4月2日,。




The General Trend in China under the Universal Application of the Internet—Multidimensional Observations of the "Internet Plus" Plan
                                                       Wang Shiwei
Abstract: The "Internet Plus" is a new concept and model developed with great imagination and creativity as well as a new action plan made in the networked social environment which has strategic significance and practical value. It is featured by its comprehensive coverage, contagious spread, frontier technology status and pragmatic use, and influences the economy, society and culture. It is a new vehicle for promoting popular entrepreneurship and innovation, and helps to develop a low-cost, convenient, total-factor, and open environment for creativity, and increase the wisdom and enthusiasm of the whole society for innovation, making innovation an opportunity for and dream of the small and micro businesses and everyone. The "Internet Plus" plan is consistent with the current development trend of universal connectivity that connectivity exists everywhere between things, between things and people, and between people. It reflects the deep integration of the mobile technology, smart science, and data. However, the resulting gigantic data will cause security concerns, posing an increasingly serious threat to the Internet security.
Keywords: the "Internet Plus" plan, the environment for creativity, cross-border E-commerce, the edge of innovation, universal connectivity

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