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核心提示: “一带一路”战略是顺应当今经济全球化、区域一体化的世纪性战略。在全球经济增速乏力、沿线国家国情复杂多元、中国政府以强有力的政策引导推动的背景下,“一带一路”战略在实施进程中面临着安全环境、经济环境、政策环境、投资环境四个层面的困难和挑战。通过以政府的高效沟通和制度完善为后盾,以龙头企业的率先示范为先导,以企业完善自身综合素质为基础,同时强化相关领域智库建设,将有利于降低中国企业在“一带一路”沿线国家的投资风险,推进中国“一带一路”战略的顺利实施。






⑤习近平:《迈向命运共同体 开创亚洲新未来——在博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会上的主旨演讲》,新华网,2015年3月29日,。


Difficulties in Implementing the "Belt and Road" Strategy and the Solutions

——Based on Field Investigations in Countries in Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia,

Southeast Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe

He Maochun Tian Bin

Abstract: The "Belt and Road" strategy is a great strategy of this century which adapts to today's economic globalization and regional integration strategy. Under the background that the global economic growth is weak, the countries along the "Belt" and "Road" have complex and diverse conditions, and the Chinese government promotes the strategy with strong policy support, this strategy faces difficulties and challenges in terms of the security environment, economic environment, policy environment, and investment environment when it is implemented. If the government uses the effective communication and institutional improvement as the backing, gets the leading enterprises to engage in first and then guide others, makes improving the comprehensive competency of the enterprises the basis, and at the same time facilitates the progress of the think tanks in related fields, it will help to reduce the risks of the investment of the Chinese enterprises in the countries along the "Belt" and "Road", and promote the smooth implementation of this strategy.

Keywords: "Belt and Road", difficulties, solutions

责 编∕杨昀贇

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