The Origin andEvolution of America's Global Arrangement
Xiong Jie
Abstract:In terms ofthinking about and making arrangements for its foreign relations, the US hasexperienced three stages: the "isolationist" closed-door policy whenit was just founded, the Monroe Doctrine at the beginning of the 19th century,and the hegemonic arrangement after World War II. Behind this is the USconfidence in its powerful national strength. The strategic arrangement of theUS in the 21st century is still in the exploration process, with four toppriorities including anti-terrorism mechanism, responding to the OPEC monopolyover the oil price, joint efforts to protect the environment, and world povertyalleviation. But due to America's increasing fear of China, its strategicarrangement in the future will still focus on guarding against China. Thereason is that the US diplomatic orientation has been over-affected by thepower group of the international relations academia. The power group refers toprevious examples in the history and state that all the emerging powers willeventually compete with the existing power for hegemony. However, the examplesthey use are all "upstart" countries which become powerful for thefirst time in history. The first rise of China took place as early as 713 A.D.and lasted until 1820, and now is the second rise of China, it is a revivalrather than an "upstart". This paper also cited three"signs" to show that the Chinese rise will definitely not lead to afight with the US for dominance. The future global arrangement of the US shouldnot be preconditioned on the "China Threat Theory".
Keywords: regional arrangement, globalarrangement, independence, Monroe Doctrine, strategic border
熊玠,美国纽约大学在职终身教授。研究方向为国际法、国际政治、亚太国家关系。主要著作有《Anarchy and Order: The Interplay of Politicsand Law in International Relations》《China and Japan at Odds》《China into Its Second Rise》《The Xi Jinping Era》等。