19《共同的记忆 共赢的发展——2016“一带一路”国际研讨会发言摘登》,《人民日报·海外版》,2016年9月27日。
The Chinese Global Governance Idea and the "Silk Road New Order"
Wang Zhimin
Abstract: The "Belt and Road" Initiative is not a "one-man show", but a chorus joined by countries along the "Belt and Road". The Initiative has received positive responses from and been participated in by more than 100 countries, and international organizations. However, to promote the "Belt and Road" Initiative, a "Silk Road New Order" is needed for regulating. The international order is decided by the international pattern, and the "Belt and Road" Initiative will affect the evolution of the international pattern. The "Silk Road New Order" still being formed, but the primary idea and overall framework has been established, and the basic rules and the international mechanism have taken shape. The "Silk Road New Order" will set a new model for global governance, provide new ideas about value concepts and institutional design that reflect the Chinese wisdom and scheme for the construction of a fair and rational international order.
Keywords: "Belt and Road" Initiative, Silk Road New Order, international pattern, international order
责 编∕杨昀贇