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Study on the Trend of European Political and Social Polarization under Multiple Crises
Shi Zhiqin
Abstract: In recent years, the Brexit, the Italian Constitutional referendum and the rise of many populist political parties have resulted in increased uncertainty in Europe. These events sparked heated discussions among scholars on European social contradictions, political and social polarization, and immigration policies. In the context of the weak economic recovery and the influx of Muslim refugees, European political and social crises are superimposed and crises are intertwined, people are increasingly dissatisfied with the government and the ruling mainstream parties, so that the extremist forces have taken advantage of this to emerge and try to attract people's attention and even get their support by showing a radical leftist and extreme rightist stance, causing the polarization of the left and right wings in the current Europe: on the one hand, the radical left-wing party and the public movement and social trends under its influence have grown; on the other hand, the rise of extreme right-wing parties and related social forces have brought more far-reaching shocks and impact to the European society; under the attack of the left and right wings, the mainstream parties seem to have lost sense of direction, uncertainty is further deepened in Europe.
Keywords: political party polarization, left wing radicalization, right wing extremism, social movement, European crisis