【关键字】城镇化 城乡收入差距 城乡融合发展 新型城镇化改革 多期双重差分模型
【中图分类号】F299.2/F124.7 【文献标识码】A
【作者简介】清华大学经济管理学院 侯婉薇
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责 编/桂 琰 美 编∕周群英
New-type Urbanization Reform and the Urban-rural Income Gap
—An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data from County-level Administrative Regions
Hou Wanwei
Abstract: Amid the global challenges of the persistent income gap between urban and rural areas, a key issue is whether the achievements of China's new-type urbanization reform can equitably benefit different populations and regions and narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents. This paper, leveraging the quasi-natural experiment provided by three batches of new-type urbanization comprehensive pilot programs and using panel data from 2,805 county-level administrative regions from 2012 to 2019 along with a multi-period difference-in-differences model, evaluates the policy effects using the imputation estimation method. The findings indicate that within this relatively short time frame, the new-type urbanization reform widened the urban-rural income gap in the pilot regions. The main mechanisms of this impact include accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading, increased macroeconomic regulation by local governments, a higher proportion of investment in non-agricultural fixed assets, reduced arable land in county areas, and variations in urban and rural income levels by statistics due to the conversion of household registration status. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the urban-rural income gap in the central and western pilot areas has significantly narrowed under the policy impact, while the opposite is true in the eastern counterparts. This difference suggests that the policy measure of the new-type urbanization reform, in which the central and western regions are gaining more attention and support, is conducive to narrowing the urban-rural gap.
Keywords: urbanization, urban-rural income gap, integrated urban-rural development, new-type urbanization reform, multi-period difference-in-differences model